- Batch number
- A regulatory label containing the weight, the date of manufacture, and the use-by date
A / Specialization of the tool : 100% BARBARIE duck and female duck
Since the 1990s, CHEVALIER Maurice has specialized in the slaughter, cutting, and packaging of Muscovy ducks/ducklings.
B / A controlled environmental approach
Controlling our environmental approach is a key point in our future policy for our company. This is formalized by different action points:
- The entire upstream chain is located within a radius of 120 km around our company to minimize our carbon footprint
- A majority of our breeders are located in our department
- Controlling our energy and water consumption in our factories through continuous improvement of our production system and turning towards renewable energies (solar trackers, hot water production with calorie recovery)
- Control of discharges into the natural environment, thanks to our treatment plant.
C / Animal welfare: a guarantee of good quality
The welfare of our animals is a guarantee of good product quality for consumers. That’s why we implement an animal welfare policy aimed at reducing stress in our animals as much as possible:
- Farming close by reducing travel time
- Feeding in farms: 100% mineral and vegetable origin, as much as possible from France
D / Certification
Our company CHEVALIER Maurice has been ISO 22000 certified since 2021, a certification that guarantees consumers the safety and quality of the products we offer. The audit, by an external body, aims to control about 300 specific points on the manufacturing and sanitary control of the company via its HACCP plan, the building, and the traceability of our products.
We also have HQC (Halal Quality Control) certification, which enables us to offer you Halal products. HQC audits and certifies Halal production and is renewed every year.
E / Objective 2024 :
In 2024, we plan to carry out a carbon assessment of our company in order to take stock of our impact in terms of CO2 emissions.
This is of major importance to us today, at a time when environmental, social and economic concerns are taking centre stage in society. We are also considering committing to a RSE approach in order to prepare for the future.